Sunday 6 March 2016

“Is It is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.”

“It is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.”
It has been a subject which invites considerably varied opinions. Some are of the view that the moments of love and courtship  are great and unique, and one must enjoy them, even if they are  short and momentary. whereas on the other hand, there are people who think the pains and travails of loss of love are severe and difficult to be endured, therefore it is better not to have loved when it comes to be lost at a stage.

 However, an objective analysis of the subject is needed. The endeared body must be courted and loved but when man becomes used to it, then it becomes hard to abandon the same. And when circumstances come which result into the separation of the same, disturbs the person and leads to abnormalities in certain cases. Which lead people to the other view.

“Not to have loved at all.” This state is indeed free of all the tensions and disturbances. One is free to lead his life in his own way. s/he is not bound by any constraints and acts as per the dictation of his own sweet will. He is more concerned with his own affairs, likes and dislikes. In short he lives for his own sake.

In the former case, one’s life is a means to an end, whereas in the latter the life itself is and end. Here comes the crucial question. What life, what it after all is meant for? A better demonstration of the life can be found in the former case.

Life is the sum total of miseries and merry, and the experience one learns therefrom. “loved and lost” indeed gives better experience, and teaches the ways of living. One is made familiar to human nature, the consistencies and inconsistencies pertaining thereto. The experience of “loss” makes man attentive and considerate all the times. There is no denying the fact that love must be perennial and long-lasting, but at the same time is not a good course not love at all simple due the fear of losing it.